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67 Movie Reviews

Get ripped!

Well, I would say if you already got a girl loving you then there actually is no real urge to try bending yourself to the extreme. Though in the end it's cute, funny and technically well done and you deserve the success. Good job.

PS: This sticky white stuff all over is kind of a pain to look at...

better than archive rewind - maybe

Ah, glad to see this great strip getting a new touch. Good job.better han

MikeandTreyVideo responds:

what in the world is "archive rewind?"

straight from the grave

While this dude Dilwyn is sitting on the throne his humerus consists of two parts... which is incorrect. Also the design and animation of the characters is a bit too simplistic. Are you drawing with your mouse?

CallumBowen responds:

sorry i dont understand what you are talking about the humour consisting of two parts, and yesi did use a mouse but remember i started using flash since last year and im still learning, yes im planning to get a graphics tablet when i start back to college again,

Recent Game Reviews

39 Game Reviews

Red's the new Black

Dude WTF?! If a black number gets drawn it appears as red number on the panel and vice versa. That's is quite a glitch for a roulette game...
Also the music is a pain, it sounds like MIDI and its lenght is a joke...

wrong game title

This is about as 3D as this text is. This whole thing is as simplistic as it gets and it's definitelly not a work one put big effort in there.

<integer a boolean string line here>

Nice little You-Don't-Know-Jack-type quiz with all text being read out and funny arkward reactions. Though you might want to lower the volume of some effect sounds there. And maybe a bit more work on the interface graphics would bring an additional share of atmosphere. Good work so far. Best thing I've seen today.

Recent Audio Reviews

7 Audio Reviews


I was missing the bass line a little as it seems to fall into the background too much but all in all it's a great song. Always a joy to hear non-overused harmonies.

PrEmoEffect responds:

yeah, the lack of a strong bass could get to you. I actually came to that by experiment. I created a bunch of lead sounds and created a bass out of the leads. Seeing that the bass was so weak, I put some sub in, but the whole point was to create a high range bass, similar to the stabby house basses that Deadmau5 created in Faxing Berlin, except with a different sound. Hope it's not too disappointing ;)


This sounds really good. Your site's demos are interesting aswell. Is that voice from "Pristine Cathedral" a synthi? You seem to have succesfully aquired knowledge about the creation of orchestral sounds. Good job. Just for for fun I sometimes try do create such a thing myself using Reason 3 but without any background of musical education that will never sound as professional as these. I wish you good luck for your search for customers. They will get quality work as far as I can tell.


You choosed Indiana Jones Theme rather than the actual JP music? 'Journey to the Island' would have been a good alternative.
In other news. You seem to have troubles putting some naturalism into this voice. It's quite a stretch for you, though in the end the overall outcome is ok, I guess. 'Rated R...' hehe

Well, hello there. I usually contribute to NG by reviewing your games and videos but if your are searching for another collaborator or some help in graphics stuff outside of flash then feel free to drop me a line!

Age 40, Male


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